Circus: history, aesthetics, practices

The RiRRa21 (EA4209) Research Centre team has actively pursued the still largely unexplored field of circus research, hosting and developing original and multidisciplinary research with its program, "Circus: History, Imagery, Practices" created and directed by Pr. Philippe Goudard.

The program invites research specialists from the performing arts, visual arts, music, literature and aesthetics, joined occasionally by specialists from other fields such as social and human sciences, physical activity science, education, medicine, and cognitive science to explore circus arts and participate in conferences, seminars, lectures, and publications, making Montpellier 3 a national and international reference for scientific research in circus arts.

Our main scientific meetings programs
Click on the titles to discover detailed programs

2021: Ecrire l'histoire du cirque

2020: 5th Circus Week: Circus Arts & Sciences

2019: 4th Circus Week: The circus of humans and animals at work

2016: 3th Circus Week: The circus from film to new media

2014: 2th Circus Week: Women of the circus

2014: Music and circus, a fruitful relationship # 2

2013: Music and circus, a fruitful relationship # 1

2012: Clown figures on stage, in the ring and on the screen

2011: 1st Circus Week