
The Circus Filmography is the product of collaboration between students and teacher-researchers from the Department Cinema, Theatre and Live Performance at the Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 University. It is a continuously updated website that is open to contributions, listing all films – fictions, animated films, documentaries, series, etc. – devoted to circus or alluding to it.

600 references are available to date.

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Fellini’s Casanova (Le Casanova de Fellini or Il Casanova di Federico Fellini)

Here Fellini presents a portrait that goes against the tr

Buffalo Bill and the Indians or Sitting Bull's History Lesson                                                                                     (Buffalo Bill et les Indiens)

In 1885, Buffalo Bill prepares his Wild West Show and Chi

Circus in the circus (At' zije Circus/Cirkus v cirkuse)

The story takes place in the Big State Circus in Moscow w

The Hottest Show in Town (la foire aux sexes, Sex-cirkusse)

A circus on the brink of bankruptcy comes up with a new s

The Great Waldo Pepper (La Kermesse des aigles)

A biplane pilot who had missed flying in WWI takes up bar

Ssssss (SSSSnake)

A college student becomes lab assistant to a scientist wh


In a circus, Tati playing a ringmaster presents a series

The Desert King of Brandenburg (Der Wüstenkönig von Brandenburg)

A few days after the end of World War II, 11-year-old orp

Godmonster of Indian Flats

A mutant sheep is on the move near a ranch in the America

Panda Kopanda 2 medium-length films (Panda petit panda)

When her grandmother goes away on a trip, 7-year-old Mimi

The Day the Clown Cried

The story of a washed-up German circus clown named Helmut

Six Bears and a Clown (Sest Medvedu S Cibulkou)

The owner of a circus decides to swap his trained bears f

Fellini Roma

Life in Rome from 1900 to present as seen by its big fan

Vampire Circus (Le Cirque des vampires)

A traveling circus managed by a vampire with supernatural

Fantaisies de Vyesnukhine (Fantazii Vesnukhina)

Young Kirill wishes to work at the circus with his cat Ti
